Etsy Thumbnail Size in 2024

Nov 30, 2023

This image illustrates a blog post discussing the recommended Etsy thumbnail size in 2024, as well as my personal recommendation.
This image illustrates a blog post discussing the recommended Etsy thumbnail size in 2024, as well as my personal recommendation.

Introduction to Thumbnail images

Etsy is one of the platforms that still allows us to be creative in crafting our miniatures and other visuals. On Amazon, for instance, you need to display your product as it is, without catchy titles or personalized backgrounds.

However, on Etsy, with over 7.5 million sellers, it's not always easy to stand out from the competition. This is where your Etsy thumbnail comes into play: it's the very first thing potential customers see when they come across your shop (first photo). The thumbnail is therefore one of the most important factors in the performance of your shop. If they are poor, no one will click on them, and you won't get any sales. So, in this article, we will delve into the importance of the thumbnail image, the ideal size, and some tips to enhance them to encourage buyers to click and learn more about your product.

What is a thumbnail on Etsy?

Etsy thumbnails represent the first image of your listing images (Etsy cover photo). They are visible in your shop within Etsy search results and product suggestion thumbnails. They are what buyers see before clicking on your product page. Therefore, your thumbnail should grab their attention, quickly showcase what your product is about, and reflect your shop's visual identity. It's the first impression you make on potential customers, setting the tone for their shopping experience. This is why having a high-quality, appealing, and relevant Etsy thumbnail is crucial to attract buyers and encourage them to click. If they like the first photo, they might also view the other images on Etsy, bringing you closer to a potential sale.

What is the ideal size for your thumbnail on Etsy?

Etsy changed the size of thumbnails in 2023

In my first Etsy shop, I have over 600 product listings. Until June 2023, Etsy thumbnails followed a 4:3 ratio, which I thought was perfect for product presentation. However, in summer 2023, Etsy decided to test some changes, and it has now been confirmed that the new Etsy thumbnails are in a square format. If you already have many product listings in 4:3 format, you might be wondering, "Should I update all my thumbnails?" The answer is yes. Otherwise, they will appear oddly cropped on the edges, so you'll need to upload new image files. Let's now find out the recommended size for the new thumbnails.

Here is an example of a thumbnail using the wrong dimensions.

Size of Etsy thumbnails in 2024

To achieve the best results, it is now recommended to stick to the square format for the recommended size. Personally, I use 2,000 px by 2,000 px dimensions to provide a high-resolution image. Just be careful not to exceed 1 MB. Now that you know the dimension and importance of thumbnails on Etsy, let's explore some tips to make them stand out.

Here is an example of an Etsy thumbnail using the right dimensions.

How to Create Etsy Thumbnails that Stand Out

Use Canva to create stunning thumbnails

One of the simplest ways to create stunning thumbnails is by using Canva, a free graphic design tool that offers templates and easy customization. Simply upload your product photo or logo, select a template to showcase it, and customize colors, fonts, and layouts to match your brand and style. Canva also provides preset templates for Etsy product listings, banners, and social media posts to help you create a consistent look for your Etsy shop.

Personally, I use Canva to create all my visuals for my Etsy shops, but being aware that this aspect is crucial for generating sales, it took me over a week to create all the templates I wanted to use. Feel free to take your time and try out different templates while maintaining consistency across your thumbnails, banners, and logo.

Some Etsy Thumbnail Tips You Should Know

In my opinion, here's what works best: when it comes to style, try to align with the dominant trends in thumbnails within your niche, but don't forget to add unique elements or colors that will help your thumbnail stand out from the competition. Make sure to clearly communicate the benefits of your products to potential customers.

Presenting the use or purpose of your product before they even click is one of the key points for a successful thumbnail.


In conclusion, Etsy thumbnail images play an essential role in the success of your shop, and understanding their impact as well as the ideal dimensions can make a significant difference in your sales. Take the time to create attractive and unique thumbnails, using Canva or other tools, and test them regularly to see what works best. Remember, your thumbnail is the first impression you make!

If you want to know the best size for an Etsy shop banner (mini, carrousel and big shop banner), along with my personal recommendations, follow this link: Read the full article here

If you're more interested in learning about Etsy image sizes, such as the Shop icon, Etsy profile picture, or listing photo, follow this link to read the full article.

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